Your Enemies want to be “YOU” Set them FREE!

Rachelle Antoine
3 min readJun 30, 2021


A keen leader will always see right through it. Photographer: Kevin Antoine

One of the reasons people become your enemy is simply because they want to be you. They long to emulate similar characteristics, skills set, behaviors that you possess. But at some point, they can’t be that yet. Some may even go further as to imitating similar styles, leadership characteristics, even ways of living. This bible verse below explains it.

You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. James 4:2

Well, it’s okay! It is a sense of inferiority, indifferences, and insecurities that your enemies have. But, I must also say that We all have role models in life. We all have envies and desires. We all have someone that we wish we have had similar opportunities and talents. However, it’s the way we go about it that shows true intentions. It’s the way we dismiss or failed to acknowledge the influences of others.

As time goes by, if your enemies have not yet find the wings, they will begin to poke holes. Also, If they have not yet found that opportunity to ruin you, they will badmouth you, poke holes into your reputation, dismiss you or try to crush you. They will go as far as getting closer to your friends, environment to know more and to try to weaken your position.

A keen leader will always see right through it.

Make it easier on them by simply allowing them to be. Once you open that door, you shall see a replica of you. If you watch their actions closely, they will do the exact actions that you have been doing. Once proven, you can declare CHECK-MATE. By setting them free, it allows you to see their hidden intentions from the past, and that has always been to be “YOU.”

Therefore, you have accomplished one of your life’s missions.

The goal is to continue to aspire and inspire. The goal is never wanting them to be “YOU.”

But to want them to unveil their true potentials through you. If that person’s ego is rotten, they will never acknowledge the impact of what you have done. However, what they do not know there is something called consciousness and actions. In some form, their consciousness will betray them, showing through their actions and behaviors. “They may not even know it.” It’s the betrayal of the conscious. At the end of the day, it only haunts them.

Set your enemies free and allow them to be at your table. Check out Psalm 23:5 — You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

Your enemies are supposed to replicate you.

Your enemies are supposed to emulate similar characteristics.

Your enemies are supposed to follow you.

Enemies are part of life.

Though they showed indirect interest, Always remember, “The betrayal of the conscious prevails.”

The enemy series to be continued!

